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The 2024-2025 Affiliation process is now open! To affiliate, please check out NACURH's affiliation page for instructions and the institutional form. If you have any questions or would like affiliation support, reach out to the Regional Director at For NRHH chapter affiliation, reach out to the ADNRHH at
Why You Should Affiliate
Affiliating with NEACURH and NACURH comes with multiple benefits! These benefits include, but are not limited to:
Access to regional information through the weekly Mooselove Mondays newsletters and Slack communication.
Reduced regional conference registration costs.
Voting rights for your institution in business spaces and boardrooms.
Participation in Of the Month Awards (commonly known as OTMs).
Participation in the bidding process for regional and NACURH awards.
Participation in Moosetracks, NEACURH's regional spirit point system.
First, the National Communications Coordinators (NCCs) must work with their Advisor(s) to fill out the institutional form. This is to provide general information regarding on-campus residential units, the structure of the residence hall leadership organization (or RHA), and indicating an NRHH chapter if applicable.
After submitting the institutional form, emails are sent to the RHA Presidents and NRHH Presidents if applicable. These emails are used to invite them to fill out RHA and NRHH Census questions.
Along with the questions, schools are sent invoices to make payments based on the type of membership they select in the forms.
Note: to be considered fully affiliated, schools must complete all forms and make the correct payment.
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