Regional chats serve as regional spaces where members get to meet and share resources! Reps have their respective spaces, but others such as general body members and advisors can also participate.
NCC Chats
NRHH Rep Chats
Presidents Chats
Advisor Chats
For information about positional chats and spaces, please contact:
For NCC Chats: Regional Director | ne_director@nacurh.org
For NRHH Rep Chats: ADNRHH | ne_adnrhh@nacurh.org
For Presidents Chats: COPRD | ne_programming@nacurh.org
For Advisor Chats: Regional Advisor for Administration | ne_advisor@nacurh.org
Tree Gathering Chats
Tree Gatherings are regional chats for everyone to come in, get regular RBD updates, and do some business. NCCs are required to attend, but all other regional members, such as NRHH Reps, RHA Presidents, Delegates/General Body Members, and Advisors, can attend and we'll be hosting breakout rooms for them.
All Tree Gathering Chats will be held on the Zoom code 870 253 829