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What are Moosetracks?

Moosetracks are NEACURH's Spirit point system where schools are rewarded with points for their NEACURH involvement. The school with the most points at the end of the year will get the Moosetracks award. All Moosetrack point opportunities, along with the monthly leaderboard, will be posted here.

Moosetracks Leaderboard

1st: TBD

2nd: TBD

3rd: TBD

Moosetrack Point Opportunities

Rep Chats
NCC: 7 Points
Presidents: 10 Points
NRHH: 10 Points

Submissions: 5 Points
Regional Winners: 15 Points
NACURH Winners: 25 Points

Committees and Task Forces
Joining as Member: 20 Points

RBD Initiatives
Virtual Retreat: 5 Points

Write Legislation: 50 Points

Monthly Challenges
Monthly Challenges can be anything from submitting a photo of members of your institution showing off your NEACURH pride to solving NEACURH themed puzzles. Points will vary depending on the challenge. Monthly challenges will be released in Mooselove Mondays, so if you are not already on our mailing list, please sign up here so you can stay up to date. 
**Point Opportunities can be added by the RBD and changes will be reflected here** 

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